Katrina Martich
4 min read

Katrina Martich
5 min read

Katrina Martich
7 min read
As an engineer and deaconess, I’m on a life-long journey of living into right relationship on planet Earth. It started with my parents who taught me love of nature and love of neighbor. The journey led to a career as a licensed environmental engineer. Engineering taught me that our environmental challenges are not technical problems. Rather, they are philosophical and theological problems. Environmental challenges are rooted in the questions, “Who are we, and what is our role and responsibility on this planet?”
Exploring answers to these questions led me to become a Lutheran deaconess. On the surface, it looks like I write, speak, preach, teach, and advocate. What I really do is prepare soil, plant seeds, and tend new growth in service of people who seek a better way of living on this planet.
I share my experiences in a blog and on Facebook.
You’re invited to journey with me!
If you want to get in touch, send an email to contact@katrinamartich.com.